To open and browse the gallery, click on the large photo. You also may view groups of photos such as Run, Bike and Paddle.

Photos from this event are tagged by racer numbers ... when those numbers are readable. Enter your racer number in the Search by Keyword window at the bottom of this page to view photos indexed to your number. Many numbers in the bike and paddle segments could not be read. If your number was unreadable, you may have photos tagged u. Type u in the keyword window to see a collection of these. Also, sometimes only partial numbers were visible... such as when a hand obscures part of a number. You might find some of your photos by searching for parts of the number (for example, searching for 14 if your full number was 1014).

Digital orders are processed and ready for download within 1 to 2 business days... often sooner. Some studios may offer instant downloads, but quick isn't always good. The digitals you receive from this event will be edited individually for color balance, shadowy faces etc. Taking a little extra time ensures you get a better product.

Do your own printing and SCORE BIG SAVINGS

Instead of paying us for postage, sales tax and a markup for a print order, purchase digital copies of favorite products and have them printed out at department or drug store near you.

We process digital orders within 2 business days of receiving them.

If the print savings are not enough, consider this: You also will have that high-resolution printable file for use on social media, electronic devices and in emails. That’s more than $11 worth of additional value.

Every photo purchased from this event is individually adjusted for best quality before delivery.

Please call 518-521-7899 for your photography needs.


Visitors 71
2243 photos
Created 14-Aug-23
Modified 14-Aug-23


Visitors 46
2982 photos
Created 14-Aug-23
Modified 14-Aug-23


Visitors 72
2768 photos
Created 14-Aug-23
Modified 14-Aug-23