Photo file downloads are part of your race swag.
One of the photographers was on his way to the race when he was summoned to deal with a family emergency. As a result, there are no swim photos for this event, and the number of run photos also is less than usual. To open and browse all photos, click on the large photo. You also may view groups of photos from parts of the race. There are links for event photo groupings on the small photos at the bottom of this page. Do your own printing and SCORE BIG SAVINGS Instead of paying us for postage, sales tax and a markup for a print order, purchase digital copies of favorite products and have them printed out at department or drug store near you. If the print savings are not enough, consider this: You also will have that high-resolution printable file for use on social media, electronic devices and in emails. That’s more than $11 worth of additional value. Please call 518-521-7899 for your photography needs. |